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Total contact footbeds that fully support the foot and keep it in the ideal, neutral position that is best for skating.

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Developed by

UK Biomechanics

Experts at

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Insoles for Skates


Most skates (of any type) are supplied with a generic footbed that provides little or no arch support and permits movement in the skate.






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The Salford Insole


The Salford Insole for skates was developed by clinical experts based on UK academic research. It is designed to conform to your foot completely and accurately, holding it in its neutral position within the boot.


This promotes natural foot function, aligns the foot and ankle, and allows the lower limb to deal naturally with the stresses of skating.


There is also a direct biomechanical benefit to be derived from reducing movement in the skate, with energy instead being directed into creating motion and even stopping.

Individually Sized


Salford Insoles are individually sized for a superior fit and are available in children's sizes from size UK 12/EU 30 through to an Adult Size 11/EU 46.


They are machine washable, with low odour properties, will work consistently and last indefinitely.


Use them with confidence.






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Correctly Position & Support Feet in their Entirety for Optimum Comfort & Performance

Improve stance, balance and confidence and achieve greater control of your skates

Enjoy skating for longer, with warmer feet, that are less tired

Wipe Clean, Machine Washable, Dry Instantly

Highly Durable Material -
Will never need replacing!

The Salford Insole for






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Better than any of the £300 custom made orthotics I've bought over the years!


- David, Bristol

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