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Correctly profiled insoles that will support your feet, improving endurance, balance and comfort. The most underrated way to improve your golf game.

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Developed by

UK Biomechanics

Experts at

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Insoles for Golf Shoes


Most footwear lacks adequate arch support and golf is a fairly stern test for anybody who would naturally benefit from arch support insoles. Namely, a long walk over varied terrain and changing surfaces, maybe also carrying a golf bag.







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Over Pronation


Simply getting to the end of a round can be a challenge and enjoyment can be reduced dramatically by the pain from common complaints related to over pronation.


Discomfort that accumulates during a round will also bring inconsistency to your swing.


There is direct performance value in having the motion control that insoles provide. Stability during swing improves consistency and, in turn, accuracy and distance.


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The Professionals


Most professional golfers will have insoles that provide support and improve stability.

The Salford Insole


The Salford Insole for Golf Shoes was developed by clinical experts based on UK Academic Research.


It is designed (and was tested) to conform to the precise structure of your foot and provides unrivalled and consistent control.


​They will work consistently and indefinitely.


Soft, non-supportive insoles will be ineffective.

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Established clinical brand

Support feet in entirety

Prevents over pronation

Individual sizes for optimum fit

Machine washable

Will never need replacing!

The Salford Insole for

Golf Shoes





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Better than any of the £300 custom made orthotics I've bought over the years!


- David, Bristol

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