Insoles for
Hallux Limitus
Big Toe Joint Pain

If you went to see a biomechanics specialist podiatrist with big toe joint pain, you would almost certainly be diagnosed as having a common complaint called Hallux Limitus, a condition that is characterised by pain and stiffness in the joint of the big toe when walking and (very often) a bony enlargement or bump on top of the joint.
Over-pronation (flattening of your foot during gait) dramatically reduces the range of motion of this joint, meaning that it cannot disperse pressure effectively, thus resulting in wear and tear of the cartilage.
Arch support insoles are routinely prescribed to great effect by podiatrists when treating big toe joint pain as they restore the function of the joint (the first metatarsophalangeal).
If left untreated, this condition can progress to become Hallux Rigidus where the joint loses all ability to function.
The following arch-support insoles for Hallux Limitus are from our clinical range which is in use throughout the UK podiatry profession.
Soft, non-supportive insoles will be ineffective.
You can try any of these with confidence.
Salfordinsole™ 2020
Professional Insoles for Hallux Limitus
Why should you trust Salfordinsole™ to treat Hallux Limitus?
Insoles for Hallux Limitus are a routine and highly effective treatment for big toe joint pain. The Salfordinsole Orthotics Range comprises different styles of insole that all share the same upper surface geometry, differing only in material construction. This is because intervention needs vary depending on age, activity levels and footwear choice.
The geometry of the Salfordinsole was developed over a two year period and hundreds of structured patient trials, with test devices that were hand crafted from a large sample of high quality casts from patients with known symptoms, including "big toe joint pain".
Uniquely, the result was a device that was produced from the cast that gave the best patient outcomes, so it really does deliver the best results, anywhere.